The Value of Sales and Marketing Consultants for Growing Brands

 Internal Environment Upstate College is a private liberal-arts college with 2,000 students, primarily commuters and residents from within a 100-mile radius. Most of the students had average grades in high school. They selected Upstate because of its reputation for small classes, reasonable tuition and practical programs. In the past, about half the graduates went into the workforce and half transferred to four-year colleges and universities. The college has 

a news bureau and marketing office with a one-person staff assisted by freelancers and alumni volunteers. The office has equipment for desktop publishing, and the college publishes a weekly student newspaper and a quarterly alumni newsletter and oversees a Web site. It has only a token advertising budget. Public Perception Upstate College sees its reputation as 

educational mix of this part of the state. External Environment Higher education has been a relatively noncompetitive environment until recent years, when lower numbers of students, fewer funds and more alternatives for students have combined to create a climate that is somewhat competitive, though not unfriendly. Competition includes a private four-year 

Entrance standards similar to

Upstate’s and about half the tuition, and a community college with only token costs, minimal entrance requirements and a background (and continuing reputation) as a trade school. Upstate City recently has lost several major employers, and weakening family finances have begun to affect the ability of some Upstate College students to remain full-time students. Research reveals declining numbers of students in most area high schools, indicating a 

shrinking pool of traditional-aged candidates for college. Additionally, general research reveals growing educational opportunities for Web-based distance learning.lasted for several months. The dye was harmless, but the consumer lawsuits (minor) and resulting publicity (major and sensationalized) have caused a decrease in sales of other Tiny Tykes toys. The company has 130 union workers and 27 management staff. It also has a two-person public 

relations/marketing staff. Unrelated to the recall, but happening around the same time, a small but vocal group of employees began agitating for increased pay and shorter working hours. Public Perception The recall endangered the company’s reputation for quality among stockholders, consumers, pediatricians and other interest groups. The defect has been eliminated in new versions of the toy. The company perceives its image as fun, low tech, 

Inexpensive beneficial and safe

External Environment The business environment for children’s toys is highly competitive, and it has become more so due to increasing international rivals and the expansion into the toy market of domestic companies once associated primarily with children’s clothing. Tiny Tykes has several competitors, some of them nationally known companies with huge promotional budgets. Several of these companies have products of similar quality and cost to Tiny Tykes’; 

they currently enjoy a more favorable reputation because of the recall. The overall business environment for toys is a growing and highly competitive market. The dissident employee faction has the potential for contributing to a wider consumer backlash against the companyThe planner’s ability to identify and analyze publics is the cornerstone of an effective integrated communication campaign. The planner’s ability to identify and analyze publics is 

the cornerstone of an effective communication campaign. The two elements of this—identification and analysis—are equally important. First, the planner needs to address the right group of people, so as not to squander organizational resources or miss opportunities to interact with important publics. Second, the planner must carefully examine each public in order to develop a strategy to communicate effectively. What Is a Public? What do we mean 

One definition that still holds true 

isthe c lassic definition given by social philosopher John Dewey in The Public and Its Problems (1927): A public is a group of people that shares a common interest vis-à-vis an organization, recognizes its significance and sets out to do something about it. Publics are homogeneous in that they are similar in their interests and characteristics. They usually are aware of the situation and their relationship with the organization. They think the issue is 

relevant, and they are at least potentially organized or energized to act on the issue. Publics, Markets and Audiences Don’t confuse publics with markets (also called market segments), which are a particular type of public. Think of the difference as that between family and friends. A public is like your family. You don’t pick them; they just are—like generous Cousin Ezekiel and crazy Aunt Bertie. Publics may be helpful or annoying, friendly or not, but 

an organization must deal with them regardless. Publics exist because of their interaction and interdependency with an organization or because both they and the organization face a common issue. A market, on the other hand, is more like your friends. You pick them; they pick you. Most people select friends on the basis of shared interests and common values. Organizations develop their markets among those publics with whom they intend to conduct 


business or generate support and participation. As segments of a particular population, markets include people with characteristics (age, income, lifestyle and soconsumers form their own assessment of the business and brand Maghnati et al. (2012).Schmitt (1999) in Maghnati et al. (2012) defines Act as the experience that helps consumers to generate experiences relevant to their physical body, behavior and lifestyle as well as the experience 

acquired from the social connection with other people. Consumers help to establish a feeling of sensation by means of Act experience, so fostering interaction with the goods or services provided Maghnati et al. (2012). Relate is described by Chang et al. (2011) in Maghnati et al. (2011) as the experience that lets consumers establish their connection with the social communities and social entities by means of the purchase and consumption of the goods and 

services. Change et al. also say that Relate experience which is encouraged by Relate marketing campaign enables customers to make self-improvement, being regarded positively by others and integrate themselves to a social community. Maghnati etseses presentations; and exaggeration and meaningless content of messages of commercial communication were selected as the most frequented deceptive methods by the respondents. Based on this 

knowledge, we were further evaluating deceptive practices from the quantitative perspective and found out that the respondents perceived them most significantly in relation to selected product categories (for instance food products, drugs, and nutritional supplements), service providers (mobile operators, commercial banks), particular marketing communication instruments (television advertising), and chosen distribution channels (personal selling


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