The Role of Creativity in Performance Marketing Management

 In the Case Firm a special need was identified inside the organization for developing digital marketing. Previously there were no marketing strategy and due to this marketing actions were irregular, unplanned and spontaneously executed with no monitoring. The purpose was to develop digital marketing and create a digital marketing strategy in order to attain 

competitive advantage and enable agile digital marketing with data-driven decisions. The digital marketing strategy’s objective was to increase customer awareness, brand visibility, attract new potential customers and eventually increase sales. This development project was one of main strategic initiatives in the Case Firm in 2018. The development project focuses on developing digital marketing in small and medium sized enterprise that operates mainly in 

Finland. Due to the characteristics of the Case Firm the key concepts are growth searching small and medium sized enterprise, digital marketing, business-to-business (B-to-B) and digital marketing strategy. Traditional marketing methods are left outside and the focus is on digital marketing methods. The main research question was how to create a digital marketing 

Offline channels and enthrall consumers

at several points of contact (Koumpouros, 2024). Both quantitative and qualitative data got thorough investigation, either interactively. In AR marketing, quantitative study of survey data uses statistical methods including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to examine correlations between variables and find predictors of customer 

experience and brand engagement (Kim et al., 2016). Using thematic analysis, qualitative study of interview transcripts found and arranged repeating themes, patterns, and insights (Kim et al., 2016). Manual coding of transcripts was done to guarantee a comprehensive review of the data; themes were arranged into groups and subcategories with supporting 

quotes chosen (Kim et al., 2016).Uribe et al., 2022 product customers. By means of a thorough awareness of AR's potential, companies may create strategic plans to successfully include AR into their marketing campaigns (Lavoye et al., 2023). In the end, the objective is to enable consumers to design unforgettable brand experiences that propel significant 

Involvement and loyalty in the modern digital 

era (Amer et al., 2023).Methodology This paper uses a mixed-methods research methodology to examine how augmented reality (AR) is integrating into marketing and how it is influencing consumer experience and brand involvement (Kim et al., 2016; Lavoye, 2023). Combining quantitative and qualitative data collecting and analysis tools, the mixed-methods approach offers a more complete knowledge of the topic under study.Purposive sampling was used in 

terms of sample technique to choose participants from different demographic groups including consumers, marketers, and industry experts (Kim et al., 2016). This intentional choice guaranteed variety in viewpoints and AR marketing related experiences. Further enhancing the dataset, convenience and snowball sampling methods were used to reach people directly 

exposed to AR marketing initiatives.Surveys and interviews made up the data collecting tools. Consumers received surveys online, which gathered quantitative information on their opinions of AR marketing campaigns (Kim et al., 2016). Inquiries about consumer demographics, frequency of AR use, perceived efficacy of AR marketing efforts, and preferences about AR features and content comprised the survey questionnaire Kim et al., 2016).

Semi structured interviews with industry

analysts and marketing professionals gathered qualitative data (Kim et al., 2016). These interviews explored topics including the strategic application of AR in marketing, difficulties experienced in implementing AR technologies, best practices for creating AR campaigns, and the supposed influence of AR on brand interaction and customer experience (Kim et al., 2016). There were several phases to the data collecting process. Participants for surveys 

were gathered via internet and social media platforms; invitations to pertinent consumer groups and forums were sent to them (Kim et al., 2016). Participants were given informed consent information before to starting the survey, and data were anonymised to guarantee anonymity and motivate honest answers (Kim et al., 2016). Professional networks, industry 

groups, and referrals helped to identify interview subjects—mostly industry experts and marketing professionals—Kim et al., 2016 found. Invitations to take part in interviews were sent, delineating the goal of the research and the interview style. Each participant had informed permission after either in-person or via video conference (Kim et al., 2016). AR helps companies to involve customers in hitherto unheard-of ways by means of demos, 


immersive brand activations, or gamified experiences (Meng & Xiao, 2020). This higher engagement improves brand visibility and memorability as well as deeper connections and emotional ties, hence fostering more brand loyalty and advocacy (Ahn, Bailenson, & Park, 2014). Furthermore, the general acceptance of AR-enabled smartphones has democratized 

access to AR experiences, so increasing the availability and ubiquity of this technology than before (Alesanco-Llorente et al., 2023). Most customers carry AR-capable smartphones, so marketers have a special chance to reach and interact with worldwide audiences (Luo & Zhang, 2024). From retail settings to social media platforms, AR experiences can subtly mix into many touchpoints along the consumer journey, enhancing interactions and generating 

conversions (Chiu & Cho, 2022).Moreover, the immersive and participatory character of AR experiences helps companies to acquire important information on consumer behavior and preferences (Martinez-Garcia, Horrach-Rosselló, & Mulet-Forteza, 2023). Tracking user interactions in AR settings helps companies better grasp consumer preferences and purchase intent (Yuan & Lin, 2018). By means of this data-driven approach, firms may efficiently 

customize their marketing campaigns, thereby providing customized experiences that appeal to particular consumers (Chiang, 2020). Ultimately, including augmented reality into marketing presents companies with a transforming chance to reimagine consumer experiences and propel real-world company results (Tushar et al., 2023). Smart marketers will increasingly use this technology as AR develops to produce immersive marketing experiences that appeal to 


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