The Future of Performance Marketing Managers in the USA
result emphasized the dynamic relationship between performance marketing and sustainable competitive advantage stated by Keller and Kotler (2015) which argued that performance marketing required that organizations determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets to satisfy them more effectively and efficiently than competitors to accomplish sustainable competitive advantages, but in a way that preserves or enhances customers’ and
society’s well-being. Marketers can engage in cause marketing and other socially responsible marketing programs that provide mutually beneficial outcomes in that regard. In addition, this result is consistent with McWilliams, Siegel, and Wright (2006) and Kotler et al. (2009) indicated that performance marketing strategies, when supported by political strategies, may be used to create sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, performance marketing
expects a marketer to evaluate the effect of marketing decisions on the customer, the company, society, and the environment. Furthermore, (Bhattacharya and Sen, 2003; Nemec, 2010; and Kotler and Keller 2012) agreed with the result and confirmed that performance marketing searched for fully capture the return (no matter if financial, such as sales revenue
Of effective advertising From this
the results revealed that the views of customers were a component of the behavior of participants' idealism and relativism and that advertising regularly violates ethical standards (Drumwright & Kamal, 2015). Regarding how advertising influences consumer impressions, influencer marketing especially changed the impression of an athletic endorsement of a brand. From the attraction of the campaign to the endorsing athlete, results revealed a spill-
over impact (Kunkel et. al, 2018). Though this was split into three elements, consumer impressions were still seen from the impact of social media messages. Consumer impressions noted were renamed as brand attitude in their theory and relate to the effect on the equity of the brand, consumer social media content, and buy intentions. Results showed
that social media had a good impact on consumer brand equity as well as brand attitude. Still, firm-created social media messaging merely affected brand mindset. Regarding purchasing intention, brand attitude and equity, however, had a major impact on this aspect order to raise the influence of competence, trustworthiness, and goodwill among which credibility is characterized (Saxena, 2011; Khan and Saima, 2020). Furthermore, Scott (2015) underlined
That companies who employ influencers to produce
social media PR content could avoid the media and engage directly with their consumers through an influential third party since influencers are the “trusted voices” of the public. This is so because customers often base their decisions on the opinions of influencers since they are regarded as sources of knowledge and might guide them (Planchard et. al, 2016). Their tremendous validity and authenticity in making these sponsorships help the message to be
more accepted by the customers (De Vries et. al, 2012). Credibility of a speaker or message source determines their persuasive power. In view of the above mentioned points, a bond or a unique relationship is created between an audience member who has positive impressions of the influencer they follow (Karouw et. al, 2019). Stated differently, communication gets more compelling when it becomes progressively dependable; conversely, credibility suffers when
this is lacking (Al-Darraji et. al, 2020). Sales and long-term relationships between the influencer's followers and the brand being pushed benefit from a consumer's trust and loyalty to her (Sudha & Sheena, 2017). Therefore, the trustworthiness of an influencer affects the consumer view of the brand under evaluation about purchase intention. According to Lee and Koo (2012), consumers are more likely to use the information provided by their peers to assess goods and services before deciding which one to buy than they are of firms. In which
Case peers here refer to people or influencers
they know. Purchasing intention of consumers was found to be directly significantly influenced by perceived attractiveness, credibility, and trustworthiness (Rebelo, 2017; Khan & Saima, 2020; Sokolova & Kefi, 2020). In relation to this, the person's intention of buying the suggested brands is higher the more persuasive power and credibility the influencer have (Rebelo, 2017; Jimenez-Castillo & Fernandez, 2019). Therefore, marketers might support
these assertions in order to have a greater knowledge of the credibility of an influencer toward its buy intention.Brands investing in influencer marketing initiatives obtain good returns in the form of recommendations when it comes to consumers endorsing the products they purchased because of the endorser (Jimenez-Castillo & Fernandez, 2019).nment.
Furthermore, results of a partial least square route modeling reveal that influencer brand postings benefit from information value of influencer-generated material, influencer attractiveness, trustworthiness, and similarity of influencers and followers.Brand awareness and readiness to purchase so have an impact (Lou & Yuan, 2019). Furthermore influencing source trustworthiness and view of the product as well as the likelihood of a purchase is the
image and language in the post (McGloin & Nowak, 2014). Furthermore, the proportionate influence of a post produced on a consumer's purchase intention is mostly derived from its appeal (Gayathri & Anwar, 2021). For most media consumers, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) offers information regarding products and service experiences; but, it is especially helpful since manufacturers-owned sources of this information are scarcely accessible.
WOM then has a major impact on the readers' opinions, actions, andThe proposed conceptual model identified the variables affecting consumer perceptions on influencer marketing. This model depicts the relationship of specific elements of influencer marketing campaigns as the independent variable and consumer perception as the dependent variable. These elements include sponsorship disclosure labels, platforms used, the type of post, and
the credibility of influencers, all seen in an influencer campaign. With this, the researchers will determine if it has a certain effect on the perception of the consumers when it comes to the beauty and cosmetics industry. In an influencer marketing campaign, there are multiple elements that come together to form a successful execution. These elements include the
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