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The COVID pandemic has caused a shortage of certain plastic products, leading businesses to find creative solutions such as reusing materials or encouraging customers to bring their own reusable cups. Capacity can be restricted by the long-standing traditions and practices of an industry, which can hinder any potential changes. They may hinder the adoption of new and improved operating methods as employees remain committed to their traditional ways of doing things. However, not all aspects of the "Small Business Structure" posed obstacles to sustainable practices. Under this topic, the "Impact of Small Businesses" was a concept that highlighted the significance of small businesses in influencing the environment, while also recognizing their limited capacity compared to larger corporations. 

During the discussion, participants emphasized the significance of small businesses in shaping the environment and the collective impact of individual actions.


As an illustration, one owner acknowledged the significant role that small businesses play in the economy, but also noted that they have less influence on environmental issues compared to large multinational brands. In some cases, the supply chain was actually found to have a positive impact on promoting sustainable swaps. The widespread shortages and delays caused by the 
The structure of small businesses often requires owners to prioritize their operations, and when coupled with a lack of customer demand, it can lead to a sense of "ignorance," which has been identified as another primary code. The bakery owner admitted that she hadn't explored sustainable practices such as using recycled packaging and expressed frustration over the limited information available about her options. Two of the interviewees acknowledged a lack of knowledge in sustainability and identified it as their main challenge. However, they also showed a keen interest in expanding their knowledge and even suggested the idea of an informational booklet that cities could provide to new businesses, offering insights on recycling options and innovative suggestions. The most recent primary code was called "Environmental Concerns," emphasizing the importance that businesses attach to the environment. The soap shop emphasized its commitment to sustainability, stating that it is a core value for them. They also highlighted the practicality and logic behind making sustainable choices. For instance, the shop cleverly reused packaging from its suppliers to ship its own goods instead of buying new materials. This helps to save time and money while minimizing waste.

Therefore, our options for paying for services are quite limited. We need to be quite diligent in our management as our profit margin is not substantial, and that is not our primary objective. 

We're dedicated to supporting the community and as long as we're able to cover our costs and make a small profit, that's where we'll likely stay. So, I suppose I'm willing to try new things as long as they don't come with a hefty price tag because that's not something we can afford. The owner was willing to consider energy-efficient appliances and increased recycling, as long as the cost was reasonable. The economic constraint also affected the town where the business was located. The interviewee highlighted the disparity in capacity between a small town and a megalopolis, which impacts accessibility and infrastructure. The owner's town did not offer curbside recycling, so residents had to make a forty-minute drive to the recycling center, which proved to be quite inconvenient and time-consuming. This posed a challenge for the non-profit organization as it stretched their resources in terms of time availability and staff size. The non-profit also encountered certain factors that propelled it towards sustainable action. As an illustration, their limited storage capacity led them to utilize ingredients across various recipes, preventing unnecessary purchases and minimizing food waste. In addition, it utilized its coffee grounds as a fertilizer to minimize waste and lessen its environmental footprint. One of the few. One notable distinction between this non-profit and the other businesses interviewed was the subject of morality. The non-profit expressed their frustration with the constant filling of their trash bin, stating that it is disheartening. This ethical dilemma highlights their commitment to sustainability and serves as a source of motivation. These codes provide a comprehensive understanding of why small businesses in the Sioux Falls area choose to embrace each aspect of sustainability, while also shedding light on the obstacles they face in doing so. Comparison of Non-profit Organizations The aforementioned themes were also apparent in the interview with the 501(c) non-profit organization. The economic reasons were a major concern due to the narrow margin, as explained in detail here

Sustaining a social environment

All owners/managers interviewed, including that of the non-profit, also emphasized the importance of the social pillar of sustainability on multiple occasions. They were all deeply committed to the community they served and prioritized the needs of their customers. In small businesses, there is a strong dedication to the individuals who frequent the stores. The interviewees mentioned that their businesses engage in philanthropy, support local suppliers, prioritize diversity and inclusion, improve accessibility, and appreciate their customers. All of these actions help create a society that is fair and balanced, promoting sustainability as a whole.In general, it seems that adopting sustainable practices in a small business can be quite challenging, especially in a small town where there may be limited demand and resources available. There are various factors that motivate owners to prioritize environmental concerns, but the main obstacle to establishing a sustainable business model across all three pillars is financial. : Our organization faces a unique challenge as a nonprofit in our location. Unlike popular establishments such as Starbucks, we don't receive the same level of business. 


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