The Evolution of Corporate America
Organizations achieve these goals through a range of methods, including volunteering, promoting eco-friendly initiatives, making donations, raising funds for non-profit organizations, and using ethically sourced materials. CSR has gained significant attention from businesses due to its potential to enhance profitability and reputation (Bux et al., 2020). According to a recent study conducted to examine the factors influencing green business practices, researchers found both internal and external benefits (Purwandani & Michaud, 2021). Adopting green practices to internal operations brings a multitude of benefits. These include enhanced working conditions, significant cost savings, and a positive shift in employee ethical behavior (Purwandani & Michaud, 2021). Acquiring a competitive edge, minimizing pollution, and upholding a favorable public image are all regarded as external advantages (Purwandani & Michaud, 2021).
Given the numerous advantages, it is puzzling why many companies continue to partake in practices that harm the environment and disregard their stakeholders.
Numerous studies have attempted to address this inquiry. As an illustration, a study carried out by a team of Chinese professors examined the obstacles to integrating CSR in the Pakistani manufacturing sector. According to Bux et al. (2020), they found that the biggest challenges were a shortage of resources, inadequate regulations, lack of standards, and insufficient policy incentives. Furthermore, in the textile industry, there were significant obstacles such as a lack of understanding, insufficient training on implementing environmentally friendly practices, and a general lack of corporate social responsibility reputation (Bux et al., 2020). A separate study focused on small businesses found that owners perceived it as an additional expense or workload and were unaware of the potential financial advantages (Purwandani & Michaud, 2021). Bux et al. suggest that a more active government involvement is necessary to address these obstacles. The government should implement more stringent regulations and standards for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to incentivize managers to adopt more environmentally friendly practices (Bux et al., 2020).
However, this may go against some of the fundamental principles of CSR, as it is typically done on a voluntary basis.
These researchers believe that the government should play a crucial role in supporting companies through subsidies and tax breaks, enabling them to make meaningful contributions to the environment and the community's well-being well-being (Bux et al., 2020). According to Bux et al. (2020), it is recommended that the government takes significant measures to enhance the enforcement of regulations and standards, as well as develop policies to encourage corporate social responsibility. This will help create a favorable environment for responsible business practices.However, it's important to note that the findings of this study may not be universally applicable to different industries or countries, particularly those that are more developed. Furthermore, the majority of the literature and media coverage has focused on prominent corporations, like Kingfisher, that have significant environmental footprints. These reasons emphasize the significance of this study in South Dakota in identifying the obstacles that small businesses encounter. Small businesses play a vital role in the American economy, making up a staggering 99.9% of all firms in the US ("Frequently," 2021). Unfortunately, they don't always receive the recognition they deserve. The study focuses on understanding the primary factors that influence businesses in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area to either adopt or not adopt sustainable practices that have positive impacts on the environment and community.It is speculated that financial gain will be the primary motivation for companies, as maximizing profits is typically their main objective. Small businesses in small towns often operate on a narrow profit margin. This question's answer will provide valuable insights to the existing literature and prove beneficial to community members.
The initial phase of the project involved seeking approval from the university's Institutional Review Board (IRB). It was necessary to provide specific details regarding the study's objectives, participant requirements, confidentiality measures, and methods of data collection.
After the approval was granted, participants could begin to be contacted and recruited. In order to be included, participants had to be eighteen years or older, without any discrimination based on gender, religion, race, or beliefs. They had to be an owner or manager of a small business in the Vermillion or Sioux Falls area of SouthDakota, it's common for those in higher positions to have a better understanding of the inner workings of the business. The definition of a small business was derived, in part, from the US Department of State. According to the definition, a small business is an independently owned and operated company in the US that is not dominant in its field ("What is," 2019). The size and number of employees can vary depending on the industry, but this study found that businesses should have no more than thirty employees and one location.Once IRB approval was obtained, the researcher reached out to participants through phone or email to arrange an interview. The study and their involvement were briefly explained to avoid biasing their responses with excessive information. The description outlined the study's objective of understanding the obstacles, principles, and choices faced by small businesses. An attached consent form (see Appendix B) was provided in the initial email for additional information, and the researcher discussed the form with the participant during each interview.
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