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The Banking and Financial Services sector is a global leader in AI adoption, and India has recently experienced a significant surge in AI implementation. Artificial Intelligence can enhance customer interactions, automate back-office operations, develop credit scores, and prevent fraud and money laundering. AI has been used in wealth management, including robo-advisory, algorithmic trading, and automated transactions.The manufacturing sector, particularly automotive and assembly, was among the first to deploy advanced robotics on a large scale. According to a recent BCG report, India ranks third in the world for AI application in manufacturing, surpassing Germany with 19% of enterprises already utilizing AI to a significant extent.

Private sector initiatives in India such as the Robert Bosch Centre for Data 

Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBC-DSAI), prioritize applied research in manufacturing and financial analytics, reflecting these trends. Figure 6 shows that industries such as healthcare and education have significant gaps in AI adoption. Healthcare is a challenging sector for AI startups, particularly in India (Appendix IV: What Do the Markets Say). Agriculture is not even mentioned in the analysis above. According to a McKinsey Global Institute report, AI's potential value for agriculture ranks in the bottom tercile of 19 industries evaluated7. This could explain why private sector adoption of AI in agriculture has been low. Governments play a crucial role in assuring large-scale AI intervention in sectors where the economic benefits of AI adoption surpass those of private initiatives.NITI Aayog has prioritized a few AI-impacted industries, recognizing that private sector actions alone will not achieve desired societal goals. In addition to Healthcare and Agriculture, focus sectors include Education (preparing future generations to benefit from AI), Smart Cities and Infrastructure (addressing India's rapidly urbanizing population), and Smart Mobility and Transportation (addressing challenges such as congestion, pollution, and high rates of road accidents, resulting in economic inefficiency and significant human costs). The "AImethod is an unconnected but interesting paradigm for AI applications. AI's current skills are limited to specialized jobs, and it is still a long way from obtaining human-like consciousness. AI can improve efficiency in existing processes, rather than replacing them entirely.India's government is committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage and improving access to primary healthcare through recent policy actions.

The Ayushman Bharat program launched in Union Budget is the world's largest

Government-funded health care program. It aims to ensure affordable and accessible healthcare in India. The Ayushman Bharat-National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM) intends to provide annual insurance coverage of INR 5 lakh per household for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization. Ayushman Bharat targets over 10 crore families (approximately 50 crore beneficiaries / ~40% of India's population) from the poor and vulnerable sections, according to the SECC database. There are no restrictions on family size or age for beneficiaries to receive benefits. The benefits package includes minimum exclusions for medical and surgical conditions, pre and post-hospitalization charges, and coverage for preexisting conditions from the start, making it easier for beneficiaries to access necessary healthcare. The Mission's advantages will be offered at both public hospitals and commercial healthcare facilities.The Union Budget 2018 allocated approximately INR1,200 crore for Health and Wellness Centers (HWC), laying the groundwork for India's health system as outlined in the National Health Policy 2017. From 2018 to 2022, 1.5 lakh Health Sub Centres will be transformed into HWCs to provide comprehensive primary healthcare, including screening and management of NCDs, mental health, dental, geriatric, palliative, trauma, and emergency care. NCDs cause around 60% of deaths in India, with 55% being early. Chronic diseases (NCDs) disproportionately affect the poor due to high treatment costs. Early detection and prevention are crucial for minimizing disease burden and managing symptoms for patients over time. The new implementation plan would increase the number of fundamental healthcare services provided by HWCs from 6 to 12

These centers will provide preventive services to promote healthy 

Behaviors and improve traditional duties. Deployment can be viewed as "taking an existing process and adding AI can range from tasks like driving a car to sowing seeds, where AI can provide incremental value through improved routing and energy management. AI, like electricity, can be viewed as a useful tool that can be used at any time while remaining essentially invisible to the task performance. Author Kevin Kelley articulates this vision well Adding IQ can enhance the value and novelty of almost anything." The business strategies for the next 10,000 firms are simple to predict "Take X and add AI." When developing a national strategy, it's crucial to analyze the issues faced by particular sectors or "X" to determine the incremental value of AI. The paradigm emphasizes the importance of collaborating with stakeholders across sectors while implementing technology. The paradigm offers a valuable framework for assessing current technology intervention possibilities.


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