America’s Business Contenders Who’s Next?

Tencent and Alibaba Group are the next two companies that are completely changing the world, but in different ways.Tencent is the company behind WeChat, which beat Uber in China (not directly, but through a relationship with Baidu and DiDiDaChe).

In less than 5 years, they have also changed a country from mostly using cash to using mobile payments

People who sell things and beg on the street even take WeChat. Credit cards never really caught on, and now that you can pay with your phone, they probably never will.Aligroup runs Taobao, a small Chinese online store. They sell more than eBay and Amazon put together (10 Reasons Why Alibaba Blows Away eBay and Amazon). In China, they don't have Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Instead, they have Singles Day on November 11, which is about three times as big as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Not yet known/too early to say. For now, the tech industry hasn't really come up with any new ideas. Also, venture capitalists have put a lot of money into "Unicorns" like WeWork, Airbnb, Tesla, Lyft, Peleton, and other names that aren't really tech companies but are instead based on flawed assumptions and difficult business models. Crowdsourcing, the sharing economy, and pure content and membership plays don't really work and don't hold up well over time.If you want to know where the next big changes will happen, look at the issues we face as a society: transportation, energy, education, health care, supply lines, and energy. Even though they're not as cool as an iPhone, disruption is all about finding ways to make those very complicated systems work better.Google's main goal is to make it easy for people to access the huge amounts of open data that have been steadily being gathered.

Amazon's main goal is to bring new ideas to the huge shopping business

Health, banking, energy, education, personal empowerment, entertainment, and transportation are some of the other huge markets.Since alternative currencies like Bitcoin are already being tried, it's clear that finance will be the next big thing to change. However, it's still hard to say who will cause this change and make a lot of money in the end.At the moment, energy is mostly built on oil as a fuel. But gas, nuclear power, renewable energy, direct light to electricity production, and alternative energy sources like biomass, hydroelectricity, geothermal heat are all growing in popularity.Still, there isn't a clear winner, but Musk's Tesla seems to be in the lead.It depends on the business. A great business will solve a problem or change the way something is done. It's really that easy. Facebook changed how people used MySpace, Friendster, and Orkut to talk to each other. The company made things easier for users, gave them their own place, and added more features, which is why it is now one of the most successful in the world. The same is true for Twitter; it changed writing by creating a way to post short blogs (140 characters or less). Once more, Google has changed the way its tools work. Ideation is the word for all of this.

Companies can't stay in business today if they stop coming up with new ideas

I think a lot of companies have what it takes to become the next big thing. Yahoo!, (Looks like a good future, especially since Marissa Mayer changed the whole Yahoo Strategy.) I think Amazon is one of the best stories; it's even better than Facebook or Twitter, and it has a lot more potential than it does now. Square is another great example of a mobile payment company with a huge chance. In the travel industry, I see AirBnB, which is worth close to $10 billion. There are a lot more, but these are the ones I can think of right now.That's possible for Google, but they spend too much time making things (great things, mind you) and then either giving them away or ignoring them until they die. They might come up with something that changes the world, but that's a bigger risk than Amazon. Since the question also says "in the next three years," Google will be slowed down by fines and trying to stay out of EU rules that are too strict. They just got a huge fine and are now waiting for the verdict on two other cases. This could be the start of their problems in the EU—based on past verdicts against other US tech companies (Microsoft, etc.) and the similarly vague demands they made on the first case, they could have much slower growth for the next 10 years or more.But out of those three, I love Amazon's store the most. I also think Google does a lot of great things for people and then lets everyone use them. I think Google is the one that will help people the most, even though Amazon might grow to be the biggest and strongest of the three.


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